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Products: Heavy water supplier shenzhen isotope company
Model: Isotope Heavy water
Heavy water (deuterium oxide) is a compounds of deuterium and oxygen. Formula D2O.molecular weight is 20.0275.it is higher 11% than molecular weight 18.0153 of ordinary water (H2O).so called heavy water. In natural water,the content of heavy water is about 0.015%. Due to the minimal difference between the nature of the deuterium and hydrogen, heavy water and ordinary water is also very similar. The ion constant of heavy water is 1.6 * 10-15.

Heavy water supplier Shenzhen isotope company

Physical and Chemical Nature

1.Heavy water (deuterium oxide) is a compounds of deuterium and oxygen. Formula D2O.molecular weight is 20.0275.it is higher 11% than molecular weight 18.0153 of ordinary water (H2O).so called heavy water. In natural water,the content of heavy water is about 0.015%. Due to the minimal difference between the nature of the deuterium and hydrogen, heavy water and ordinary water is also very similar. The ion constant of heavy water is 1.6 * 10-15.

2. Colorless, odorless, tasteless liquid, melting point 3.82 ° C, boiling point 101.2 ° C, density 1.104g/cm3 (room temperature). Moderated capacity 0.179cm01, moderation ratio 5400, slowing down performance is better.

3. Materials science and technology; metal materials; special purpose metal materials; fission reactor and fusion reactor materials.

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