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Hot products of stable metal isotope
Time: 2012-3-14 11:46:09      Source:

Hot products of stable metal isotope
Isotope name  element actuals
Ag-107    Silver-107  1g
Ag-109    Silver-109  2g
Ba-134    Barium-134 1g
Ca-40  Calcium-40 1g
Ca-43  Calcium-43 1g
Ca-48 Calcium-48 3g
Cd-114  Cadmium-114 1g
Ce-138  Cerium-138 1g
Cr-50  Chrome-50 3g
Cu-65  Copper-65 10g
Dy-158  Dysprosium-158 3g
Dy-164  Dysprosium-164 3g
Er-162  Erbium-162 1g
Fe-54  Iron-54 5g
Fe-56  Iron-56 10g
Fe-58  Iron-58 5g
Gd-152  Gadolinium-152 1g
Gd-160  Gadolinium-160 0.1g
In-115  Indium-115  1g
K-39  Potassium-39 1g
Mg-25  Magnesium-25 2g
Mg-26  Magnesium-26 3g
Mo-100  Molybdenum-100 2g
Mo-98  Molybdenum-98 2g
Nd-142  Neodymium-142 1g
Nd-148  Neodymium-148 1g
Ni-58  Nickel-58 60g
Ni-64  Nickel-64 5g
Pb-204  Lead-204 5g
Pb-206  Lead-206 5g
Pb-207  Lead-207 10g
Pd-108 Palladium-108 1g
Pd-102 Palladium-102 3g
Rb-85  Rubidium-85 20g
Rb-87  Rubidium-87 30g
Sb-121  Antimony-121  2g
Se-74 Tin-74 3g
Se-76  Tin-76 2g
Sm-144  Samarium-144 10g
Sm-154  Samarium-154 20g
Sn-112  Tin-112 2g
Sn-124  Tin-124 2g
Sr-84  Strontium-84 50g
Sr-88  Strontium-88 290g
Ti-46  Titanium-46 2g
Ti-50  Titanium-50 2g
W-186 wolfram-186 2g
Yb-168  Ytterbium-168  1g
Yb-176  Ytterbium-176  1g
Zn-64  Zinc-64 300g
Zn-68  Zinc-68 30g
Zn-70  Zinc-70 30g
Zr-92  Zirconium-92  10g

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